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Point of Interest - Green River Trail

Green River Trail is 19.6 miles long and is great for both walking and cycling. The entire trail is located inside King County, and it runs through many different types of scenery. Rural, urban, and industrial views meet users of the trail. It runs alongside both the Duwamish River and Green River and includes several bridges that cross those waters. It begins in a park near the southern boundary of Seattle- Cecil Moses Park. It continues through to the southern part of Kent and ends at North Green River Park. 

Some parts of the trail are paved while others are on un-paved soft surfaces. The trail remains popular for its great views of the Green River as well as access to the water. It also provides excellent views of the river valley. 

Green River Trail Sights and Amenities

The bicycle trail goes through many areas that are perfect for spending time outdoors. There are other trails nearby so that trail users can check those out as well. Green River Trail is a par of the greater Kent Valley Loop Trails system. Various parts of the trail have benches for taking rest breaks, picnic tables, and public works of art. There are several parks along the trail, and many have restrooms to make traveling the trail more convenient. 

The trail runs through many different landscapes and winds through various communities. It has excellent river views as well as views of Mt. Rainier. It is often used for bird watching along its rural portions. The trail also goes through Riverbend Golf Complex for all of the sights and sounds of the greens. It goes near the turning basin of the Duwamish where larger ships can turn around. The trail also goes across a bridge that is close to a Native American cultural site, North Wind’s Weir. 

In some areas the trail is close to the river, and at others it is more urban. It goes past the City of Tukwila Community Center and passes underneath Interstate 5. It leaves the riverbank in that area and goes near the Foster Golf Links. Later, it goes back to the riverside and near to the Black River. It goes through Fort Dent Park as it trails along the Green River. It then goes in and around several local parks, including Anderson Park, Van Doren’s Landing Park, Tukwila’s Bicentennial Park, and Three Friends Fishing Hole. The trail also goes through a few green belts and the Green River Natural Resources Area as well as the Desimone Levee and the picturesque Minkler Pond for an experience full of amazing sights and sounds.

The Green River Trail is a great place to see wildlife, to get exercise, to see both city and natural areas, and even to travel as a part of a commute. There are countless sights to see along the trail, and it is a great place for visitors to the area to get a feel for its natural spaces.

If you’d like to learn more about Renton, click here to read about Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.

Visit us from Green River Trail.